codi Reference






Multiple configuration directories for your program. This library is useful if you have the following situation: you have a config directory where you store default configuration and another config directory where you store user custom configuration. When a user runs your program for the first time, no files exist in the user config directory and you want to read everything from the default config directory. When you write a config file, it must always be written in the user config directory. This library does this for you. You specify user config directory and any more directories you want to use for default config files. When you open a file for reading, the library opens the file from the user config directory if it exists. Otherwise, it searches for the file in the default config directories. When you open a file for writing, it is always opened in the user config directory. A typical usage example is below:

from codi import *

#assume we have 2 config directories:
#   * default-cfg/
#   * user-cfg/
#in other words, we have the following directory structure:
#  |
#  --to/
#    |
#    |-file.txt
#    |
#    --file.bin

#user config dir
user_dir = 'user-cfg/'
#default config dir
default_dir = 'default-cfg/'

#create a Codi object. you can give more than 2 dirs if you need.
config_dirs = Codi(user_dir, default_dir)

#read a file. args are same as builtin open
#will first try to open `user-cfg/path/to/file.txt`. because the file does
#not exist, will go to the next config dir and open
f ='path/to/file.txt')

#write a file.
#will always write in `user-cfg/path/to/file.txt`. any parent directories
#that do not exist will be created
f ='path/to/file.txt', 'w')
print('hello world', file=f)

#convinience method to read data
#text. default encoding is utf8
#will open `user-cfg/path/to/file.txt` because it exists from our previous
#write operation.
print('path/to/file.txt', encoding='ascii'))
#will open `default-cfg/path/to/file.bin`
print('path/to/file.bin', text=False))

#convinience method to write data
#text. default encoding is utf8
#will always write in `user-cfg/path/to/file.txt`.
config_dirs.write('path/to/file.txt', 'hello world', encoding='ascii')
#again, will always write in `user-cfg/path/to/file.bin`.
config_dirs.write('path/to/file.bin', b'some binary data')

The library also provides Config class which acts as a dict for config values. It adds the ability to set default values.

class codi.Codi(*dirs)

Class to set multiple directories for configuration files. The first config directory is the user config directory. The other config directories added are used as fallbacks when a file opened for reading is not found in the user config directory. If a path is opened for writing, it is always opened in the user config directory.


Append a config dir.

  • dir (any type accepted by pathlib.Path constructor):
    Directory to add.

Append new config dirs from iterable.

  • dirs (path-like object): iterable of directories to add.

Same as pathlib.Path.glob but searches all config dirs added to self for glob results. If a file is found in multiple config dirs, only the path of the file found in the first config dir is returned. The returned paths are absolute.

  • pattern (str): Glob pattern.
The glob result as a list of pathlib.Path objects.
insert(index, dir)

Insert a config dir.

  • index (int): The index in which the new directory is added.
  • dir (path-like object): Directory to add.
open(file, mode='r', *args, **kwargs)

Opens a file. This function is used in the same way as the builtin open. If mode contains w, x, a or +, the file is created in the first config dir and all directories in the path are created if they do not exist.

Same as builtin open.
File object.
path(path='', writable=False)

Return an absolute path as a pathlib.Path object for path in one of the config directories added to self.

  • path (path-like object): The relative path to return.
  • writable (bool): Whether the path is requested for writing or
    reading. If False, the function searches the config directories in the order they were added for an existing path. If writable is True, the returned path is in the first config dir added to self whether it exists or not.

Remove the config directory at index.

  • index (int): The index of the dir to be removed.
read(path, text=True, encoding='utf-8')

Returns the content of the file path.

  • path (path-like object): The path to read relative to the config
    dirs added to self.
  • text (bool): If True, the file is read in text mode and str
    object is returned . If False, the file is read in binary mode and bytes object is returned.
  • encoding: Text encoding to open the file with. Ignored if text
    is False.
The content of the file as str or bytes object.

Remove a config directory.

  • value (path-like object): The directory to remove.
write(path, data, encoding='utf-8')

Writes data to the file path.

  • path (path-like object): The path to write into
    relative to the config dirs added to self.
  • data (str or bytes): Data to write. If an str object, file is
    opened in text mode. If bytes object, file is opened in binary mode.
  • encoding: Text encoding to open the file with. Ignored if data
    is a bytes object.
class codi.Config(*args, **kwargs)

Used to store config values. This class subclasses dict and adds the functionality of adding default values. Instead of raising a KeyError if the key is not in the dict, it looks for the key in an internal default values dict. If there is a default value for key, it adds it to itself and returns it. Otherwise, KeyError is raised.


Returns the default value of key.


Removes and returns default value of key.

set_default(key, value)

Sets default value of key to value.